There are many resources for keeping safe as you move round the globe. Learn about safe options for handling finances, health care, food preparation and choosing safe destinations.
Safe in the Sun: How to Enjoy Outdoor Activities Without Risking Sunburn and Skin Cancer
This article explores the dangers of prolonged sun exposure, including statistics on skin cancer, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of sunblock versus rash guard shirts for sun protection. Additionally, the article offers practical tips and strategies for staying safe in the sun and protecting children from sunburn and skin damage.
Is Travel to Japan Safe and Free From Radiation Exposure?
To this day, there are many people concerned about traveling to Tokyo and other parts of Japan because they fear radiation exposure from Japan’s nuclear disaster. Watch this video for the facts.
Avoiding Jellyfish Stings While Snorkeling
Jellyfish are dangerous. Fortunately stings in Hawaii are preventable. Check the Oahu Hawaiian jellyfish calendar here. Prevent invisible jellyfish stings with Safe Sea Lotion.
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