Snorkeling gear can be purchased in a huge range of prices. The lowest priced gear is often a waste of money because you will not enjoy your snorkeling experience if you mask leaks, your fins keep falling off, or your snorkel keeps getting filled with water. This is something that I have learned the hard way!
We’ve discovered that if you intend to snorkel in foreign waters, it is vital to bring your own equipment. The equipment available from the tour outfitters and rental shops was of very poor quality. Buying gear was also a no-win proposition as the selection was poor and the prices were much higher than we pay in the U.S.
This is a medium quality snorkel set and is perfect for the beginner. It was the second snorkeling set that I purchased and it served me well for years.
Here are some of the things that I liked about the Admiral/Island/Trek snorkeling set:
Trek Fins
The fins are the short style, which is perfect for packing in a suitcase. They have plenty of power for snorkeling and are comfortable to wear for hours (make sure to get the correct size).
Island Dry Snorkel
The snorkel is engineered to keep water out and works well. I find the tube easy to breathe through and the mouthpiece fits my mouth comfortably. I don’t get tired from having it in my mouth, even for hours. It is slightly angled so it fits nicely beside the head. You can dive underwater with the snorkel and the water stays out and it is easy to clear if some water leaks in.
Admiral 2 LX Mask
I enjoyed using this mask. The silicone skirt is not flimsy, like some brands. The view is good and I felt like I could see around me easily. I also liked the quick release buckle which makes it much easier to put this mask on because you don’t have to pull it over your head if you don’t want to.
I eventually replaced this mask because it didn’t fit my face as well as I wanted. I purchased a mask at a dive shop in Thailand, and it cost more than this whole set! If you’ve found that your face is hard to fit for a snorkeling mask, you may want to purchase one at a dive shop, but it will be lots more expensive. Amazon reviewers reported that they were permitted to return the mask for exchange if it didn’t fit properly.
More Features of the Admiral LX snorkeling set:
- Set includes US Divers Admiral 2 LX Mask, Island Dry LX snorkel, Trek Fins, and Gear Bag
- With a new improved snorkel clip, the Island Dry LX, a 100% submersible dry-top snorkel, designed with U.S. Diver’s patented Pivot Dry Technology, closes tube for dry breathing, keeping water out above and below the surface of the water
- Snorkel mask features dual tempered glass lens, hypoallergenic silicone face skirt for maximum comfort and leak-free fit, and built in purge valve to keep mask clear of water
- Compact length fins featuring soft and comfortable foot pocket with dual composite heel strap and easy to adjust buckles. Features dual composite vented blades for excellent power and energy saving efficiency
- Includes a snorkel gear bag designed with heavy-duty nylon durability ideal for travel featuring a shoulder strap for easy transport, and extra storage pocket to carry your anti-fog solution and more
- 2 Year Limited Warranty
There is a newer version of this snorkeling set that is offered at a great price. The updated version has a new, more powerful vented blade fin design. It also features a soft closed-heel foot pocket for increased comfort.
The new snorkel has a splash guard top that uses hydro-adhesion technology to prevent splashed water from entering the snorkel barrel. The updated set is now available in five different sizes so you can get a fit that is just rignt for you.
You can learn more about the U.S. Divers Cozumel Snorkeling Set at the link below.
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An Exciting New Design in Snorkel Diving Masks
A couple of years ago, a new integrated diving mask and snorkel system was introduced. This new full face system has become quite popular, especially to the newest generation of snorkelers. You can find many folks using this new system wherever you go snorkeling.
The new system offers a panoramic view and makes breathing seem freer and more natural. It also seems to fog less than the older separate mask and snorkel design.
If you are new to snorkeling, or want to see if this system works better for you, check out the details a the link below.
Other highly rated integrated snorkel-mask combos