We have left behind the snow and ice of winter climates and embraced the hotter and sometimes humid weather of places like Costa Rica, Bali, Thailand and Mexico.
We particularly enjoy a deserted white sand beach alongside a crystal clear blue ocean. Swaying palm trees and warm ocean breezes call to us.

Sometimes it seems too hot outside to do much else but lie in one place in the shade. Since adventure awaits though, we want to keep moving, exploring marvelous new places and enjoying new experiences.
We like that it stores easily, and when dry, takes up almost no room or weight in our luggage.
Here are the features of the Chilly Sports Cooling Towel from Frogg Toggs
- Made from a hyper-evaporative material that retains water while remaining dry to the touch
- 6.5″ X 33″ PVA sponge towel, cools as water evaporates from it, to help relieve symptoms of heat stress
- Small slit in towel for attaching to itself providing hands-free wearability
- Machine washable for repeated use
- Comes with a storage container to keep it moist and ready to use
- Can absorb eight times its weight in water for longer evaporation times than conventional towels
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